Co-operation between artisanal miners and companies gains momentum

Co-operation between artisanal miners and companies gains momentumt

Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) has long been portrayed as a source of environmental and social problems in developing countries.

But ASM has been being found to have both positive and negative impacts, and is estimated by World Bank data to employ at least 42 million people directly across the globe

Newlox Gold Ventures Corp. – Growth Report

Newlox Gold Ventures Corp. – Growth Report

February 17, 2021, Newlox could potentially realize annual after tax income of $20.8 million ($0.11 per fully diluted share) from Oro Roca and the Boston project if they produce as planned. The company has said that it will outline a third project by Q2 2021. The capital costs of these projects are modest, and the artisanal miners benefit from higher gold recoveries and higher income from their operation.

Jay Currie of – Newlox Gold: Unlocking the Value in Artisanal Tailings

Jay Currie of – Newlox Gold: Unlocking the Value in Artisanal Tailings

August 31, 2020, Jay Currie – Artisanal mining occurs all over the world. In some jurisdictions it is seen as a dangerous blight, however, in Costa Rica the government regulates and encourages the artisanal miners in its central gold belt. – Meet Newlox Gold Ventures (LUX, CSE) – Meet Newlox Gold Ventures (LUX, CSE)

When Gold is merely a byproduct of environmental do-gooding. Mercury is bad for the environment, but it does 1 thing very well and that’s why it has been used for thousands of years and continues to be used almost everywhere Gold is found…

Mining Journal – Newlox to ‘stay the course’ and produce doré

Mining Journal – Newlox to ‘stay the course’ and produce doré

April 7, 2020 – Junior gold producer Newlox Gold Ventures (CSE: LUX) said it had decided to continue producing doré at its Ora Roca plant in Costa Rica to protect people’s livelihoods in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mining Magazine – Newlox planning second clean-tech mill

Mining Magazine – Newlox planning second clean-tech mill

March 16, 2020 – Newlox Gold Ventures has called upon the artisanal mining community for the design, construction and deployment of a mercury-free milling facility in Central America, signing a letter of intent with one to advance the work.